Poe Ii Kak, who is a popular video actress and actress, celebrated her birthday on April 7th yesterday. As for Poi Yi, he made a noble gift on his birthday as a gift to commemorate his birthday.
As a birthday present for Poi Ii, a thousand butter offerings, flower pagodas, Donated a thousand lamps and a water temple. In addition, at the Y.G.W. Charitable Orphanage School (Tasaup) Department, Bishops and children, Donations of food for young daughters and young sons, Evening food donation for little girls (100,000 kyats) for food donations at the elderly blind refuge in Pyin Oo Lwin town and (100,500 kyats) worth of equipment for the monks’ grandparents.
Dagon City New (Port) Township, At Shwe Salwin Nursing Home, I made donations such as medicinal plants for the grandparents and spent my birthday with good deeds. As for the audience, Poi Yi, I also thanked my husband Aung Tha for giving me the talent to donate all of these donations. Today, April 8th, is the birthday of the actress and actress, who is beloved by the fans. On my birthday today, May Sung turned 38 years old.
On his birthday today, May Song wrote on his social networking page, “Happy birthday to me. I’m going to kick my mother who fed and protected me until I was 38 years old. My daughter, the family that loves me, and I’m still there today.