U Chit, who is a successful female singer from the artistic generation of popular singer Chit Chong, is a young female singer who is loved by fans. I am a person who has established a life with a loved one and is living a peaceful life as a married woman.
Soon, the Thingyan New Year will be coming, and many Thingyan pavilions are already under construction. Regarding the entertainment during Thingyan, Aung Chit told her that she will not attend any event because she is pregnant.
“I have to tell you This year, don’t spray too much in the Thingyan pavilions, and slowly spray. Men and women often fall in love with me on the days of 123. When you hear the song of “I’ve loved you, you won’t think it’s a fire. When I asked her about last year’s mother’s hand operation in Thailand, even though it has not yet been resolved, I had to tell her in advance that she would have to clean up this year.
As a birthday present for Poi Ii, a thousand butter offerings, flower pagodas, Donated a thousand lamps and a water temple. In addition, at the Y.G.W. Charitable Orphanage School (Tasaup) Department, Bishops and children, Donations of food for young daughters and young sons, Evening food donation for little girls (100,000 kyats) for food donations at the elderly blind refuge in Pyin Oo Lwin town and (100,500 kyats) worth of equipment for the monks’ grandparents.