Samsung Galaxy A14 5G was launched in India in January 2023. The phone is powered by an octa-core chipset inside and powered by a 5,000mAh battery. It will be launched in three RAM and storage configurations and will come in three color options. This smartphone runs a UI 5 based on Android 13 and is equipped with a 13-megapixel front camera. Now Samsung has added a new RAM + storage option to its phones in the country.
According to Tech Outlook, the Samsung Galaxy A14 5G is available in the Indian market in a 4GB + 128GB variant. The phone is said to be available in offline stores at a price of Rs. 15,499. Reports suggest that the phone will go on sale via online stores soon. When it was first launched, the Samsung Galaxy A14 5G was priced at Rs. The base 4GB + 64GB variant is priced at Rs 16,499, while the 6GB + 128GB and 8GB + 128GB options cost Rs. 18,999 and Rs.20,999.
The Samsung Galaxy A14 5G has a 6.6-inch Full HD+ (1,080 x 2,408 pixels) LCD device with a 90Hz refresh rate. It is powered by an Exynos 1330 SoC paired with a Mali-G68 MP2 GPU, up to 8GB of RAM, and up to 128GB of internal storage.
In the camera department, the Samsung Galaxy A14 5G is equipped with three rear camera units, including a 50 megapixel main sensor, a 2 megapixel depth sensor and another 2 megapixel macro camera. The front camera is located in the Infinity-V notch on the display and features a 13-megapixel sensor. Samsung has equipped the Galaxy A14 5G with a 5,000mAh battery that supports 15W fast charging. This phone offers 5G, 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth v5.2, GPS and USB Type-C connectivity. There is also a 3.5mm audio jack.